Registration - Register yourself on the website to receive a user ID and password after fulfilling the requirements needed according to the terms and conditions of the sale
Information available on the horses
Presale vet reports
Latest photos and videos
Blood reports
Piroplasmosis declaration
Pedigree details
Physical attributes eg Height/Weight
Information on any participation ban
Please apply in advance for pre-approval for bidding on the sale, accordingly every individual shall receive a code for access
Bidding will be live with minimum increments
One can also set his bidding limits and the bids will go up to that value in minimum increments
Maximum limit for bidding shall be a confidential information
If two bidders make the same value highest bid, the system will select the bidder based on time
Each time a bid is made, the time will be extended by 2 mins to make another bid before closure.
Bidding pattern will follow the following increments
Minimum starting bid of $1,000
$500 and $1,000 increment options upto $10,000
$1000, $2000 and $5000 increment options upto $50,000
$2000, $5000 and $10,000 increment options upto $100,000
$5000, $10,000 and $20,000 increment options upto $300,000
$10,000, $20,000 and $50,000 increment options upto $50,000
$25,000, $50,000 and $100,000 increment options upto $1 million and above
Post purchase
Sale confirmation - You will receive an email confirmation of the purchase with a link to accept the purchase immediately
Post-sale vet check - You are authorised to conduct another vet check for your satisfaction
Bloods - Blood tests are authorised to be taken for checking any prohibited substances or diseases
Payment - payment for the horse needs to be cleared withing 7 days after the sale.
Transport - EqusOnline transport option can be selected for collection, which will be followed up with a quotation for approval. Or you can make your own arrangement.
Horse collection - Permission to collect the horse shall need clearance of accounts from EqusOnline
Delay in collection of the horse shall cost $50 a day charge, unless otherwise written permission or agreement is been made with the vendor.
Unsold lots
EqusOnline shall place the horse on the “Online Sale” section on a complimentary basis for horses unsold in the “Online Auction” for a duration of 2 weeks
Horses placed on the online sale section shall benefit from all the options given to a premium package deal and help the client by giving more time to sell the horses.
Authorised Agent
Any buyer can authorise an agent to buy horses on behalf of himself by signing the authorised agent form declaring the maximum limit, lot numbers and also specifics of the sale/duration